“Guitar Man serves as a timely celebration of a remarkable career.”
- Sonic Abuse

“Guitar Man is an absolute must-watch, it delves deep into the DNA and shines a light on one of the greatest guitarists of his generation.”
- Rock N Load

"“Guitar Man” is an engrossing watch. It’s an inspiring tale about perseverance, about wanting to be the best, and about how hard work and determination can pay off."
- Devils Gate Music

"The blues are transformational, the blues are intuitive, and the blues are improvised. However, and above all, the blues are all about struggle and effort. In this movie we see why Joe is the most ingenious blues-rock innovator of all — how, as a musical alchemist he has turned blue to gold — but, perhaps most importantly, we learn how he became the most conscientious guitar man on the planet.”
- Raw Ramp

“‘Guitar Man’ is still a wonderful and watchable tale of one man against the music industry and his singular love for the Blues and his willingness to keep taking risks. A must watch for his fans, new and old.”
- Metal Talk